Making a Big Difference with Micro-Machined Parts
When a specialized engineering firm needed tiny custom parts for equipment that measures flow and pressure in pipelines, they gave us a call. Here's how we helped them manufacture more than 3,000 of them.

- Services
Laser CuttingMachiningValue Added Services
- Industry
Custom Tooling
- Materials
316 Stainless Steel

the Project
Our customer, a specialized engineering firm based in Boulder, Colorado, needed more than 3,000 custom parts for equipment that measured flow and pressure in pipelines. The parts were to be miniscule—no more than the size and thickness of a dime. Our job was to cut the parts from 14-gauge 316 stainless steel and ship them to our customer. There, each part would be welded onto an identically shaped extrusion to serve as an end cap.
The Problem
The customer’s design called for the parts to be machined with intricate details, which made the job even more complicated.
Delivering an
End-to-End Solution
To meet our customer's specifications, we used laser cutting to process the parts from sheets of 14-gauge 316 stainless steel. After the tiny parts were cut, we deburred, milled, and tumbled them for clean edges and a smooth finish. We added the intricate details in our on-site CNC machine shop to complete the project.
The Outcome
Our Bystronic Byspeed laser allowed us to efficiently complete the job and ship the finished parts to our customer on schedule. Although diminutive, these parts will make a big difference in the functionality of our customer’s product.
Want to Learn More?
Find out how our custom machining and manufacturing services can make a difference on your next project.