Custom Urethane Seals
The parts seen here are waterjet cut on the ID as well as the OD to make a custom spline seal. Waterjet cutting is ideal for thicker materials, especially urethane which if cut with laser would melt. The material that was used was 1.25" thick 90A oil-resistant black urethane. We were able to produce tight corners for the seal, and ultimately produce the perfect parts for the end customer. Other photos show a variety of materials that are processed with waterjet.
- Services
Waterjet Cutting
- Industry
AutomotiveArchitecturalAgriculturalAerospaceOil, Gas / Power GenerationDefenseGeneral Industrial Manufacturing
- Materials
UrethaneNeopreneSiliconeEPDMFoamNitrileRubber BeltingGum RubberBuna-N
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